Tripping Over Dollars to Pick Up Pennies

Let's talk about a common mistake that many real estate agents make: tripping over dollars to pick up pennies.

You may be wondering what I mean by this. As a successful real estate agent, you are already busy talking with clients and getting deals closed. Maybe you are doing 24-36 deals a year already and making an amazing amount of money. Which is totally awesome by the way!

But what if you could be doing 36-50 deals a year? You see, an agent without systems can typically do 24-36 deals a year alone, but they often feel like they are hitting a wall. You’ve already proven that you know how to get leads, convert them, and get them to closing, but do you wish you could just clone yourself?

The fact that you don’t have good systems in place is hindering you from taking your business to the next level. To grab those dollars, instead of pennies.

For example, you might spend hours each day responding to emails or making phone calls, instead of focusing on high-value activities like meeting with clients, building relationships, and closing deals. Or, you might be spending too much time on paperwork and administrative tasks, instead of delegating or automating your systems and freeing up your time to focus on revenue-generating activities.

The truth is, investing in systems and processes is the key to success in the real estate industry. By developing streamlined systems that automate tasks and free up your time, you can focus on the activities that really matter and achieve greater success.

Let’s dive deeper into three key systems you need to implement: a contract-to-close system, a lead conversion system, and a lead generation system.

A Lead Generation System

First, let’s talk about the lead generation system. This system is all about bringing in new leads and expanding your client base. There are many different strategies you can use, from hosting open houses and networking events to running social media campaigns and paid advertising.

A Lead Conversion System

Next up is the lead conversion system. This system is all about turning leads into clients. You can use a CRM tool like Sierra or Follow Up Boss to track your leads and automate your follow-up process. For example, you might create a series of email templates that can be personalized and sent automatically to each lead at specific intervals, based on their level of engagement.

A Contract to Close System

Finally, let’s talk about the contract-to-close system. This system should include all the steps and processes involved in taking a property from contract to closing. For example, you might use a project management tool like Trello to create a checklist of all the tasks that need to be completed, from scheduling inspections and appraisals to preparing closing documents and coordinating with the title company. Once you have a system, you can delegate it to a transaction coordinator.

By developing strong systems in each of these areas, you’ll be able to grow your business and build a strong team of agents who can help you leverage your time and money even further.

So, if you want to stop tripping over dollars to pick up pennies, it’s time to start investing in your business and developing the systems that will help you succeed.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Categories: : Agent Financials, Mindset