How to Organize Trello for Real Estate Agents

Get my two top tips on how to organize your Trello board for real estate agents.

Are your Trello boards getting out of hand, or are you a new agent that wants to know how to start and organize your Trello board the right way the first time? In this video, I'll be talking about my two top tips on how to organize your Trello board for real estate agents.

I used Trello in my business for my contract to close system for years. I think it's a great system that you can use with your transaction coordinator to keep on top of all of the transactions that are going on at the same time. But it can get out of hand and you can easily end up with a million boards.

To help you with this, here are two tips on how to organize your Trello boards for real estate agents. The first tip is to create multiple workspaces specifically for your different systems. In Trello, each workspace can only have up to 10 boards. But if you need more boards than that, then I would break down your business into different workspaces.

Tip #1: Create separate workspaces for different parts of your business

I would create a new workspace and name it Contract to Close. That way you know that anything that you're doing in terms of buyer contracts, seller contracts, anything that is in progress would be going on in your Contract to Close workspace. Then if you have other Trello boards, like any personal boards, or maybe lead generation marketing, other business boards and stuff like that, that can go in a separate workspace so that you can keep all these different things organized.

Tip #2: Number your boards to specify the order you want to see them

Next, you can number your boards so they say in a pre-set order, otherwise Trello will default to organizing your boards by the last time it was accessed. Let's say you want to want to have your seller boards first, or there's a specific order that you want to see it. You can rename your boards as a numbered list to control the order of the boards. Now when you go to sort alphabetically, you can see they're all in the order that you want them to be.

Those are my two tips on how to organize Trello so that your contract to close system is all in one place and each of your boards are in the order that you want them to be in. Trello is an amazing, free contract-to-close system if you know how to use it!

Categories: : Contract to Close, Tech Tools