3 Reasons Why Your Real Estate Lead Generation Isn’t Working (And How To Fix It)

Is something wrong with you or is it your lead generation strategy?

We’ve all been through the rollercoaster of lead generation, from the excitement of starting a new lead generation strategy to the frustration of why it isn’t working out as you expected. Then you start to wonder…is it the lead generation strategy or is something wrong with me? Should I quit now?

These are the top 3 reasons why your lead generation isn’t working:

1. You haven’t been doing it long enough or consistently enough.

If this is a new lead generation strategy, I recommend doing it for a minimum of 6 months before assessing whether it is working or not. Some tactics, such as farming a neighborhood, could take even longer. I know this can be really hard, especially if you are inpatient like me! Organic lead generation strategies, such as posting on social media or YouTube, require you to show up and post a few times a week, if not daily, in order to be top of mind with your potential leads. If you aren’t consistent, you need to either figure out a way to become more consistent or stop using this lead generation strategy, because it will be a waste of time.

2. The quality of the leads that are coming in aren’t good.

If you are getting leads to come in, the next step is to assess the quality of your leads. Are they super hot leads that already know they want to sell (e.g., FSBO or Expireds)? Or are they longer term leads (e.g., a homeowner wondering about their home value)? Your lead generation strategy might be targeting long-term prospects (which is great if you have a good lead follow up system) instead of hot leads that are ready to go. To fix this, you’ll need to fix the messaging to capture hot leads. For example, someone who clicks on an ad that says “How to sell your home in the next 7 days” is going to be a very different lead that someone who clicks on “Get your home value today”.

3. Your lead conversion sucks.

No amount of lead generation will fix poor lead conversion. You need to be honest with yourself (or agents on your team) about why leads are not converting. The best way to fix this is to record your phone calls (check with your state about call recording laws) and go back and review what happened. Did you get stuck on an objection? Did you come off as too sales-y? Ultimately, the point of lead generation is to convert the lead to a closing, so learning how to increase your lead conversion rate will greatly increase the ROI on any lead generation strategy. Lead conversion is a skill that can be learned and improved, so you shouldn’t quit a lead generation strategy if your issue is lead conversion.

In the end, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and it may take just a few simple tweaks to get your lead generation fixed and optimized. The good news is that once you recognize what the issue is, you can fix it.

Categories: : Agent Training, Lead Generation